Terms Of Service

By using the Booking system you confirm that you have read and understood Terms of use.

The equipment in this booking system is available (with certain restrictions) to students and employees from The Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology (CREATE).

By using the Medialogy Booking System you agree with the following rules:

  • Under no circumstances are students allowed to enter the booking room without a member of the booking staff present
  • Loan of equipment is free - no deposit fee is required
  • Equipment should be picked up and returned either to a member of the booking staff, or to the equipment drop off point directly outside the booking room (0.17). This is located inside the Manufakturet, FKJ 12, 2450 København SV
  • Your booking may be cancelled without notice
  • Failure to return items on time can cause significant problems for other users, you may be barred from future use of booking equiupment
  • If you become aware that you cannot return equipment on time you should inform us immediately
  • The person who provides their borrower ID for a transaction bears full responsibility for the borrowed equipment and is liable for the cost of repair or replacement in the event of loss or damage


Equipment listed in the lighting design category is only available to Students or staff from lighting design unless permission is specifically obtained from Who should we use as lighting design contact?? define in config

Equipment listed in the SMILE category is only available with specific permission from Henrik Schønau Fog, and after this form has been filled out.

To ensure that all students and staff have access to the equipment they need, we ask that all borrowed items be returned on time. Late returns may result in a temporary suspension of borrowing privileges. This policy helps us maintain fair access to resources for everyone.

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